Thursday, June 13, 2013

Harnessing the Power of Dreamshifting

Your day-to-day reality flows from a dream, deep in your psyche.
It’s the lens through which you see literally everything.
What if you could learn to shift it at the root level and discover a more sacred, abundant, and fulfilling dream? One that allows you to feel connected and consistently empowered by your connection to the earth and the cosmos?

That is the promise of Dreamshifting, which builds from thousands of years of shamanic wisdom and practice, translating it into a modern context.
Your guide to Dreamshifting is John Perkins, who has studied with shamans on almost every continent and learned to bring their psycho-spiritual wisdom all the way to corporate boardrooms as well as leading edge change agents like you.
Dreamshifting holds one of the most powerful keys to transforming our consciousness at the roots.
It’s ultimately not just a personal practice for transformation but a “Master Key” to unlocking a new dream and vision for our world. ??When John first began studying with master shamans in the Amazonian rainforest, he asked how he could help them.
The answer? Go back to the North and change the dream that is destroying the world.
This led to a lifelong quest to translate the power of shamanic methods into a modern context in order to liberate ourselves from stories of greed, fear, scarcity, and competition that are poisoning not only our world but our individual happiness.??
John was once known as an “economic hit man” who capsized developing economies for profit. He went through his own profound Dreamshift and dedicated the rest of his life to being part of the solution.
Since then, he has married shamanic wisdom with modern savvy in ways that empower us to make the profound shift to a new consciousness in our world.??
He’s not only the author of the bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man ( 70 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list), he also presents and trains at major Fortune 500 companies while continuing to travel the world learning the deep wisdom practices of shamanic cultures.
Join this groundbreaking tele-event and you’ll learn some of John’s key secrets to unlocking the power of Dreamshifting for personal transformation and collective change.
During this introduction you will discover:
  • That this is a time prophesied by many shamanic cultures as the greatest revolution in human history – the Consciousness Revolution – a time to dreamshift ourselves and our institutions
  • That you were born now because you have a dreamshifting mission, to call the new world into being
  • How indigenous cultures have prepared for these times for more than a millennium and are now sharing their wisdom and techniques for the benefits of us all
  • A deep shamanic journey that will enable you to clarify your mission and understand the barriers that have kept you stuck in old patterns

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