Monday, June 3, 2013

Ascension and Personal Alchemical Transformation

When I refer to the ascension process, I am speaking about the elevating of the soul within the body, not leaving, your body or the planet as some people believe. It is true that when you have formed and identified with your body of light, the vehicle of your purest attributes and spiritual light, you can begin to experience yourself existing on multidimensional levels of reality and may experience first hand what it is like to visit some planetary spheres while traveling in that body. However, before we can identify with our body of light and truly experience ourselves as being one with it, we must merge our feminine and masculine parts, something called the Divine Marriage or Syzygy, the marriage produces the offspring of the body of light. Our light body is neither male or female and sees the potential in all beings with the innocence of a child. However, our child of light is no fool to darkness as perfect innocence and love provide the keys to the most profound and wise discernment attainable.

Although, we do not have to be perfect to have moments or prolonged amounts of time sharing the joy of being identified with our own body of light, we do have to be able to express our masculinity and femininity seamlessly and without preference and we may not be in judgment of our own human flaws or the flaws of others at any time. Judgment and shame will keep us separated from our light. And Jesus said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Mathew 18:3. For the majority of the population the complex details of higher spiritual bodies, anatomy and chakra systems do not need to be understood in order to receive the benefit of the clarity, insight and truth given freely by spirit or the healing it makes available to our energy and physical bodies.

Spirit knows that no two minds and experiences are the same and encourages us to focus on our alikeness and the true essence behind the topics we discuss, not the personal symbols and the differences between them when we experience the grace of transformation. Vocabulary and symbols relate to personal background. Let's look beyond the differences in archetypical, religious and cultural symbols that may be used to communicate to us and focus on the alikeness of the effects the interaction with those symbols and beings have on us each individually and collectively. What we find is that spirit works with all peoples, of all faiths in any way the person is open to receive. It is good that we share our experiences with spiritual awakening and ascension. It is especially fun to share dreams and visions and visitation experiences with other people experiencing their own. However, don't forget to keep in mind that what you are most likely reading is an individual experience and although you could have a similar one, it doesn't mean you will or that you should experience the same thing.

Personal ascension includes individuation from others and invites us to think for ourselves. What is important for each of us is that we know who we are individually and our own truth, guides and symbols and what they mean to us. Our spiritual walk should be unique and enjoyable and as creative and imaginative as we desire. There is no shortage of amazing beings existing at various levels within the creation and at the end of the road it was only our path to begin with, so why should anyone else's be your guiding rule? Being amazed by spirit and having a magical life is the desire of the soul, so remembering not to follow others OR judge them either will help keep us in alignment with our body of light, who loves and appreciates all beings for their individual uniqueness especially.

According to my definition of ascension, if you have a body, you have a soul and a divine spark of spirit, and that is all you need to ascend. Of course, we came in to life with all these things to begin with, as if it were intended by our creator that we would already have what we need to find liberation for our souls regardless of access to outside information. The divine spark within our soul is a piece of spirit itself and our individual soul has the job of guiding us and teaching us how to recognize and trust spirit. Our soul is our best friend and completely invested in helping us reunite our self and transform into a being of light able to merge with the soul and spirit at death. I also believe the process of transformation should be individual and unique and that each person should freely work with and commune with whatever ancestors, deities or beings of light they personally feel attracted to and have a connection with, without experiencing judgment from others. Each journey is individual and just, because, some people have experiences with ET intelligences (myself included) it does not mean that this is the case for everyone or that it should be. Just as some people learn from the Buddha about their inner Buddha and some people have a similar relationship with Jesus Christ it is ultimately the light of Spirit at work through all masters of light on this Earth and who and how you perceive your family of light to present themselves is entirely personal and you should never be made to feel like you are out of alignment with your own soul simply because, someone else has a different personal truth regarding their ascension and transformation experiences.

I think all the answers you truly need to find in order to experience unity with spirit are within. Philosophizing and theorizing about the make up of subtle dimensions and how the soul expresses itself within them is enjoyable, I think. However, if anyone is telling you that your personal ability to ascend depends on your mental understanding of those things first don't believe it. Love is the force that facilitates all transformation and healing- you only must experience it firsthand sometime to understand it. I believe that at death your heart/mind should be receptive to enlightenment by spiritual truth and not held down by perceived guilt or regret pertaining to the time spent in the body. The soul is as light as truth, so I believe the more comfortable we are in our hearts and minds with our own truth, the more easily we can integrate our own shadow aspect and allow our whole selves to become one with our soul and identify with our own soul and follow that divine spark into the kingdoms of light without hindrance or fragmentation at death.

The process of transformation that I describe below was studied by the alchemist's like Basil Valentine and various explanations of the seven steps of spiritual transformation were left for us today by scholars who lived hundreds of years ago. These seven steps the alchemists described have been experienced by me in a personal way and it is due to the fact that I have experienced these things first hand that I can refer to myself as a true spiritual Gnostic in regards to them. I did not just read the works of other authors on the topics discussed in this article and theorize about transformation- I am living it. I have used much of the vocabulary and descriptions left to me by other authors, but, everything I wrote about I experienced in my own way with my own symbols and it was through having my own experiences that the information on Alchemy was able to be understood right away by me. I know these steps exist since I perceived them occurring within my own being without prior knowledge or expectation of them and those experiences have motivated me to share this information with full confidence that it will be relevant for others who may only need concepts and vocabulary to relate what they already know to be true internally.

The seven steps can each be related to the seven major chakras like a map to understanding how they work in relation to personal consciousness and self awareness ,but, you do not need to control or manipulate the process in any way through your chakras, they are a tool for understanding only. I am going to take advantage of that analogy of the 7 chakras and make use of the terms of Basil Valentine while relating them to each chakra to describe each stage of alchemical transformation from a more personal (archetypical) and psychological perspective than chemical. However, it is not to be dismissed that each of the steps of physiological/ psycho-spiritual transformation described below can also be recorded as happening on a physical and chemical level in the laboratory setting.

Before, I list the seven steps of spiritual transformation it is important to understand that the marriage of the opposites must occur within yourself throughout the process of transmutation, transformation and ascension. In true spiritual ascension we are suppose to be able to embody our masculine and feminine consciousness equally and without bias, to be able to shift ourselves between the two when needed. Masculine consciousness can be related to the active part of yourself which is responsible for thinking,foresight and planning. The spirit itself is masculine in nature and can be compared to fire or electricity and is often symbolized by the Sun or other solar imagery. The soul is receptive to the spirit, it is associated with Luna (the moon) and magnetic or receptive states and imagination. Lunar consciousness is considered feminine and encompasses all nonlinear states, sensations and feelings. The feminine consciousness receives, is feeling oriented and relates to intuition and dreams. In fact, the mystical symbolism having to do with the divine wedding is called syzygy and it is represented by the figure of the androgynous being upon the "World" tarot card. The figure of the androgynous being portrays true ascended consciousness, which is unified and contains reborn masculine and feminine attributes working in harmonious unison to embody the highest essence of one's soul while in a body. The divine wedding is portrayed in symbolic parables all throughout the New Testament and ,yet, it exists within the ritual and verse of religious and pagan groups world wide. I believe that is ,because, the understanding of the unification of opposites transcends religious tradition and presents itself in appropriate symbols to all religions around the world via the same spirit of oneness and light that inspired symbolic truths to be apparent within all major religions. The divine wedding is ultimately a process that occurs inside of yourself when all aspects of yourself are harnessed and applied in unison toward the same purpose under your higher will (spirit), the feminine and masculine parts of you have become one entity and so has your soul joined with spirit and created a permanent bond. When we experience the union of our masculine and feminine we also become conscious of our light and our darkness.

In simple terms the masculine consciousness is related to our rational, thinking intelligence and active energy while the feminine energy is receptive and relates to our non-rational feeling intelligence. Most of us are prone to being one way over the other and no matter which stage of transformation we are experiencing there is always an attempt at merger and balance between our feminine and masculine aspects occurring by our higher self. The world today demands and mostly only validates masculine rationality and logic, therefore, it has become a task in and of itself to simply revive and validate the feminine wisdom in general, a task we are in the midst of presently.

7 Steps of Alchemical and Personal Transformation

1) CALCINATION: The first step is called calcination and in your personal experience it can be equated to the trials and tribulations that arise in life to point out your short comings and inspire transformation. The process is meant to assist in destroying the ego's attachment to material things or things outside of the self and is often humbling. When you realize that change is necessary due to unavoidable indications you are inadequate in some area it can feel crushing and overwhelming, but, ultimately it is the crisis that fuels the needed change. Physically calcination is related to exercise and chemically to fire as it burns away at all material that is undesirable. Psychologically and spiritually it is the flames of the higher consciousness which will burn away the dross of the restricting habits, beliefs and limitations of the ego self.

2) DISSOLUTION: During dissolution the conscious mind is forced to let go of controlling everything so that previously repressed consciousness material may come to the surface awareness and previously held ideas and rigid structures are destroyed within the psyche and interior world. This step is associated with the second chakra and the kundalini experience being continued from the first chakra and energizing the rest of the body with it's energy. During dissolution you may experience more profound dreams, visions and voices which are all experienced in order to push the boundaries of your rational mind and allow for the realization of new material to take place.

3) SEPARATION: The third step is associated with your 3rd or solar plexus chakra. During separation your soul comes together with spirit and for the first time experiences a higher perspective that is brought back to your daily awareness. The new perspective gave the soul the discernment for performing the act of separation and discarding of unwanted materials realized during the first two steps. During childhood the rational masculine mind rejects the contents of  the feminine and other aspects of the true self that were not recognized by others or encouraged by family members and teachers. When we discard our unworthy attitudes and beliefs in the step of separation more aspects of our own self are able to be revealed to us, often restoring pieces of our self image from childhood as we were originally intended to be and to perceive ourselves as. Now that your blocks and misspent energies have been identified and released, there is more conscious energy available to you to further your transformation and growth with. You may begin to have deep revelations of your own innocence during or after this phase. It will be important to claim your innocence permanently, but, not cast blame and judgment onto others either. Just as spirit is embracing and restoring you right where you are at remember to accept and not hold bitterness toward others you have judged. The energy it takes to judge another being and truly despise them could be energy full of light and power, directed toward your true life expression.

4) CONJUNCTION: The fourth chakra, the heart chakra, is associated with the process of conjunction. During conjunction you are performing the marriage of the two sides of consciousness within, the solar and lunar or male and female intelligences. The stage also represents the merger of matter and spirit by joining the three steps below with the three steps above. During conjunction it is only the purest parts of the self that are recombined for transformation and a new type of heart intelligence is born. Many people call this level of consciousness "living from the heart" and it is a new type of perceiving reality that is experienced as being superior to feeling or thought alone. When conjunction is achieved you may also notice an enhancement of your intuitive faculties and the realization that there is much less to say and much more to listen to. Most of your beliefs will be under scrutiny and you may find that layers of old fears and dogma were literally stripped from your mind during the process. You may perceive yourself from many new and startling angles and should also catch a glimpse of your elusive friend your shadow making his presence known.

5) FERMENTATION: The 5th throat chakra is related to the process of fermentation. Fermentation represents the new life that is born from the putrefaction of another living organism. The symbolism suggests a presence of new life and along with it new vitality. At this step an important solidification of the soul and spirit's merger becomes permanent and the new life force finally overcomes the original identity with its higher presence. The new spiritual power and presence begins to rejuvenate and invigorate the new life, adding a new level of insight, identity and divine inspiration to your perception. You will most likely experience an increase in creative abilities and perception, including symbolism. It is the further arousal and movement of kundalini and these experiences which inspired many mystical and religious works of antiquity. During one fermentation cycle, I laid in bed for several days having stream of visions involving the selling of organs, death, concentration camps and necromancy. I felt like my own organs had been placed in jars and then put back in my body and my body put together again with nails and ancient tools being used on my etheric body as it felt like it was being reassembled. I could smell formaldehyde all around me off and on for days and had visions of being hacked to pieces and my family and loved ones being hacked to pieces in my mind's eye. It was all very intense and although, what I described was just one personal experience it is good to know that there are reasons why our psyche could produce images of death and dismemberment, in fact, these are classic images of one stage within a very natural process of transformation and with proper understanding the person experiencing them can express themselves artistically and healthily without fear that they are simply psychotic.

6) DISTILLATION: Just as distilled water is boiled to increase it's purity, so is our psyche agitated and challenged during the distillation process in order to ensure that all the lower thought forms, habits and contents of our original ego mind are completely separated from the fermented being. At this point the kundalini is raised from the sacral chakra in the tailbone (first chakra) to the brain and pineal gland and it is represented by the 3rd eye chakra in the center of the forehead for this reason. Techniques such as introspection and reflection are used at this stage to identify those things which do not belong to our new and reborn self. Distillation allows us to become refined and purified from all lower functions as the sublimated spiritual presence is released within us. After having an experience of distillation you will think and process your reality differently, having a much deeper understanding of purity in the mind. Going through distillation was like having a resident angel in my body for days who filtered all energy coming from me and to me and rebuffed illusions on the mental plane while reaffirming higher truths. The whole process was experienced for me like having a kind instructor in my presence for several days and all remaining mumbo jumbo and old programs were identified and discarded, while having higher ideas regarding mental, spiritual and energetic truths left in their place. This process went as deep as I was ready for at the time and will happen again at a deeper level when the time is best for me. Although, humanity's evolution as a whole is guided and influenced astrologically, our ability to address our true mental and emotional contents and integrate change is based on a personal choice to accept grace and actually attempt it. When I have my next run in with distillation, surely more of my unacknowledged shadow aspects will be brought to my attention and I also receive more truth and wisdom in its place, the cycle continues as long as there is work to do and this is one example of why the work is truly individual in nature and can not be a group process, although we can enjoy groups to support one another as individuals.

7) COAGULATION: Coagulation is like the precipitation of purified ferment which arose during the distillation. The final operation of coagulation occurs in the 7th or crown chakra on the top of your head which effects the pituitary gland. It is believed that some sort of brain ambrosia is released from the pineal gland (phallic in shape) and that it combines with the matter of the pituitary (vulva shaped gland) to give birth to your permanent body of light; which is the immortal vehicle for your highest aspirations and evolved aspects of your mind. The body of light retains your memories and feelings from your lifetime on Earth and is able to become one with soul and spirit at death. The body of light is similar to the concept of the astral body raised and purified through repeated cycles of the entire process until only the true essence of the astral and mental faculties of the individual remains. The remaining being is your rebirth and that is the part of you which is immortal and born from humanity. This body of light is the "Greater or Philosopher's Stone" of the alchemists and it nourishes the cells of the physical body without waste product. The achievement of a permanent state of coagulation is also referred to as a return to the Garden of Eden and denotes a solid unification with the Divine Mind. This stage releases that astral body of light that is the goal of many spiritual movements to introduce you to and is also the method by which alternate realities and dimensions of existence are experienced by an individual while incarnated on Earth.

It is important to understand that these processes do not necessarily occur in a linear fashion easily identified by the experiencer as one step happening after the other, although, in hindsight it may be easier to perceive their sequence. You may experience one or several stages of transformation in unison or quite rapidly. The process is not a once over experience either, this is a cycle of transformation and metamorphosis which continually works on shaping and molding you into your true self over time and up until death. Every time you experience the cycle of transformation you will have an opportunity to shift your consciousness level to a new octave of awareness and to shift your level of perception to that level so that your perception and interaction with your reality shifts completely. The goal of ascension (the ascent of the soul within the physical body) is to continually be transforming yourself so that you may learn to identify with only the purest parts of your physical, mental and emotional bodies so that you may experience yourself in wholeness, with all three bodies firmly rooted into your own soul and spirit from above ,as well as, your physical body below. Your light body IS the vehicle of your highest mental attributes and truest self and we must work through the process of transformation to permanently join the purest parts of our mind, heart and real self within that body of light. At first our thoughts and feelings are too heavy to live in the lightbody, but, after the marriage of the opposites and purification and transformation of your mind and heart takes place they are able to exist as light. You are no longer prone to the fears and threats of your old personality and you also know who you are in spirit. By this method of transformation it is possible to experience many aspects of the death experience, before, the death of your physical body and to also experience the unity, love, peace and joy which comes from being a wholly incarnated ensouled and spiritualized being before death.

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