Monday, June 24, 2013

Ascending to Reality through Mythos

There is a debate among the ‘illuminated’, ‘wise’ and ‘rational’ people concerning what is truth and what is a lie and some people accuse the gods of being liars, that the gods cause problems with their “lies” and allegories (mythos). These people project that the only truth is their own truth which can only be perceived through reason and that we are the only projectors and manifestors of our reality.
Firstly, if you make some unbiased research regarding the stories of the gods (or Angels if you prefer) including the manipulated stories, you can see that in most cases they were benefactors, guides and protectors of humanity as well as giving humanity everything we know civilization to be. Even when at the end of the cycle they come back and destroy their buildings (remember Atum, Enki and the Bible), they had reasons for doing so.
Can we really understand why the creator gods are also destroyers, which is also the god of the Bible as well as the Hindu god, Lord Shiva? Can we understand the Ouroboros and the karmic loop of the whole of creation?
Not even Zeus could overpower Chronos/Aeon who IS the great dragon and the great serpent.
Who is the encircler in the Egyptian tradition? Atum (the Sun) manifested through the cycle process and encircles everything as well as being the lord of the circles of the serpents. Atum IS the Aeon, the one who turns the magical wheel of Shiva.
Some could say that all of this is very confusing and that we end up in searching for the real identity and the real form of the divine, when the inner truth manifests though many forms that lead to the conclusion which the ancient Greeks made when they said:
“Ηen to Pam (Εν το Παν)”
which it means “Everything is ONE”. This is because everything IS one within the limits of the pyramid of creation and the divine order in which the deeper states/dimensions/scales define the surface and the formed world of illusion = Maya.
The Divine Order = 936 = As Above so Below
What is Maya?
Maya is the power of the gods to project and create/manifest which at the lowest scale seems like an illusion because in order to find the real meaning of each projection which was made at a specific time and within the limits of the necessity of current time, you have to ascend or just travel through it and approach the nucleus and the deeper meaning = Gnosis.
This is how allegories work: when a divine projector teaches important, esoteric lessons to superficial thinking beings that are lost within the world of separation and illusion (Maya), this deity projects through the pyramid and this projection has to go through routers and different realities in order for the formless truth to reach and travel through the different levels of the lower dimensions.
A projector has to go through the circle – O (womb/female force) to plant his divine seed with his phallus (male force) and he divides within polarity – Φ by
manifesting the golden mean. This is the Living Logos and the Cosmic Serpent (You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Matthew 16:16) that shed its skin like the serpent does at the end of its cycle.
(Remember the disassembly of Dionysus and Osiris)
Every projection about the truth within the Pyramid is a dogma and you have to go through the karmic loop to approach the deepest essence of things and the necessity of time. Every projection and even our own projections have a deeper cause that manifests a karmic effect through Maya.
This is how our divine essence divides into different forms until it will reach the ground by passing through the pyramid from the 13th dimension state of being as this is the true source of forms as it manifests through the formless state of the Christ Consciousness.
The true Orphic’s and the Pythagoreans can see this connection between Jesus and Dionysus; the divine essence within that is disassembled (Dionysus) and crucified (Jesus) in our reality -> lower level of existence.
It is unavoidable that our divine essence (Dionysus-Christ) will return (resurrect) as we proceed to close the previous cycle and he is speaking through the cave to EVERYONE, through EVERY form (human AND alien) while he is the voice of the ONE.
All the major religions are waiting for a messiah of some kind and even Satanists wait for the Antichrist. The arena is set (as Lord Marduk told us in a previous channeling) and we all hear some echo of the Cosmic Serpent that encircles our reality and even those that have not even the slightest spiritual experience can hear the echo of the big change that is coming upon us because it is already happening.
The “New World Order” is manifesting as the highest council of the Gods COMMANDED to through the process I am explaining in this article.
As the cycle is closing and we are returning to the zero point (the cosmic egg of the Orphic’s), our divine essence is shedding its clothes-forms and it becomes a naked/formless truth, descending back to our reality through chaos while ALL forms are ruled by the great dragon (note that Marduk was also known as the dragon). The sun is descending within us through chaos and while he devours our darkness we ascend to the sun or get burned within the limits of this alchemical process.
Maya = 240 = Mind = Idol = Scale = Dogma
Maya = 240 = Mind = Liar
Remember that Dionysus is the king of the feast, the master of disguise and the great deceiver. The mind always projects an illusion (lies) to the formed state while truth is formless.
Form = 312 = Devil = Abracadabra
Underworld = 804 = Solar Eclipse
Hades = Shade
Shade is where the light of the sun cannot reach (in particular direct sunshine) because it is blocked by any object.
The underworld is the shadow state of being we enter into when the sun is no longer with us.
Sunrise = 630 = Liberation = Light Bearer = Savior
Living Logos = 846 = Omnipotent = The Devourer = Seed Of Truth = Bring To Light
846 = Purification = Purgatory = Tribulation
Guidance of Marduk = 918 = Free Your Mind = The True Light
918 = Alphabet Messages = The Lord’s Coding
918 = Messiah Words = Jesus Words = Joshua Words
Phosphorus = 930 = Elohim Tzabaoth = Love And Forgive = Repent And Be Saved = As It Is In Heaven
As I have stated before, some shadow beings (Shade = Hades) are unable to repent and introvert. In a later article I will explain the difference between this and the falsities of the church, through which they projected a false idol. In order to ascend you have to repent and this word comes from the Greek word ‘meta-noisi’ which means to ‘learn after’, to learn from your mistakes and introvert and by evolving your inner intelligence (Gnosis) you ascend to heaven->higher states of consciousness.
930 = I am Guiding You
Illusion = 666 = Believe in Man = Insanity

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