Tuesday, April 2, 2013

YOU Matter: The Master Alchemist & The Principle of Confidence, Parallel Dimensions, Pineal Gland… How Our Spiritual Expansion Adds to Our Planet’s Wonderful Well-Being!

We should always seek to remember everyday that first and foremost we are Co-Creator beings who have a power over ourselves to help others do peaceful works here on beautiful Earth.

Nothing comes into our daily life without our own consent and invitation to it!
This way by paying attention to our frequency and emotional waves, we will be able to overcome any hurdles in the existence of our life, this is the ROLE of the master alchemist.
This is also the principle behind the art of confidence in the Cosmos!
By having confidence from the inner place of knowing, one can overcome any spiritual barrier and open their pineal gland further into the parallel realms!
This way you can reclaim your creator role consciously and coherently as a god/goddess IN Balance!


Let’s say someone expresses behavior which is not appropriate to this Planet or to others.
The varied behaviors of people simply adds to the brilliant mix onto this planet as everyone has ONE positive thing to give to Planet Earth.
By your attention to their behavior you can influence them.
If the focus from you to them (comes from a place within you containing the aspects of unconditional love) you will influence them positively which enables a positive expansion to occur on Earth and surrounding cosmos! This aids to enormous well being and peace!
There are many “parts” or aspects in forming the brilliance of unconditional love so all the parts must be in synch for this process to work!
You will find this person removes themselves out of your existence onto another parallel reality or they will simply disappear out! Or they will appear transformed in your current reality.
 You will see this as a big SIGN from the Universe and it is in this way YOU have transmuted someone’s negativity from a place of knowing, from the principle of confidence!

  In such a way, be the brilliant creator YOU are to BE.

Be aligned to the Divine Principles of acceptance, honesty and integrity, this is the master alchemist role!

This is where TRUE happiness dwells!



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