Saturday, June 7, 2014


When you wake up in the morning, stretching your fingers towards the sunlight, what makes you excited and joyful about the day ahead? What makes your life truly worth living?
As we get answers to these questions, we take big steps towards creating alife and and a lifestyle that will truly satisfy our heart and soul.

Most of us have spent a good deal of time and energy pursuing a vision of “success” that was installed by our culture, family, or friends. We’ve often devoted a lot of intense years to pursuing “the dream,” but our hearts are left feeling empty. We’ve followed the prescriptions to create the “good life,” but we’ve felt exhausted as a result.
If we are really honest, we may admit that even when we’ve been the most “successful” on the outside, we haven’t necessarily been all that happy on the inside (especially as women).
The unsettling truth is that while women have made so many important advances, more of us are burned out, stressed, and unhappy than ever before.
Why? One key reason is that we’ve unconsciously adopted a masculine models of “success,” which focuses our attention on accomplishing external goals, attaining financial success, material goods, prestige or even fame.
And while these things can bring us great rewards, they don’t usually satisfy us at our core. We’ve been chasing success, but what we really hunger for isfulfillment.
There are many different pathways to fulfillment. Most of us are fulfilled when we experience deep connection and intimacy with those we love. We find fulfillment when we fully express ourselves and our creativity – and have it joyfully received. We are fulfilled as we experience immense pleasure and witness exquisite beauty (not to mention when we feel beautiful ourselves). We are fulfilled as we feel juicy, supple and ALIVE in our bodies!
Yes, we desire financial success and the freedom it brings. But we also realize that money cannot buy us happiness. So it’s only one ingredient towards a more holistic picture of what will really bring fulfillment.
At this evolutionary time on our planet, it’s time to stop trying to live a masculine model of success and create our own unique feminine pathway toward fulfillment – one that brings more meaning, more joy, more love, and more ease into our lives.
And one where we make an important contribution to our planet along the way.
Once our own unique path towards fulfillment is clear, then we can empower ourselves with the tools and resources to walk the path to a divinely inspired life – one that is truly aligned with our vision.
Are you ready to get started?
If so, you are cordially invited to join this upcoming presentation, where we will present a new 7-step model for FEMININE FULFILLMENT:
This model supports a full-spectrum femininity in which we respect our natural rhythms, nourish our bodies and build lives that are aligned with our most heartfelt dreams. That is how we change the world, by infusing more of our love and deep care to create organizations, projects, and businesses that are true to our souls.

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