Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Your Higher Self is the REAL YOU. Your Brain is, in fact, not capable of Thinking or Creating. It never was. It is only your Higher Self who does all of the thinking and creating. There has been a mixture of your old cellular memory within your brain doing the thinking, just because there has been this old programming left over in the cellular memory. The Frequencies on Earth are high enough now to allow the shift into the Higher Self to be continuous. We do not have to battle with those old thought sequences any longer.
When you have dreams where it seems like you are looking at yourself through the eyes of someone higher than yourself it means that you have become your higher self watching your body template. Your higher self is simply YOU with a much broader perspective. You higher self can see you and what is before you and behind you, what is happening miles ahead of you on the freeway when you drive, days ahead of you when you are making plans, seeing what is beside you and behind you,etc. When you are in tune with your higher self, you can drive your car blindfolded.
In the fifth dimensional realm of multidimensionality, you can be your higher self in infinite times and places and in no time all at the same time. Manifestation simply means moving to one of the other infinite parallel realities. You don't actually create anything new. You just move into the frequencies of another parallel reality.
These are all of the fun things that you can learn to do now that you are in your fifth dimensional template. The real fun starts happening near the end of 2015 when we begin the crystallization process of our rebirth.
You see, when you were born, your soul became CRYSTALLIZED into this Density. That Crystallized Self is the Seed Atom within your Thymus that connects into the Mind of God at the medulla oblangata. Everything that you ever were and ever will be exists in that Seed Atom. When we begin to Crystallize again in 2015 our rebirth as a new density within the crystallization process completes. Our crystallization makes us into a less dense reality.

It is time for you all to realize that your DREAMS are not IMAGINATION  as you would think. They are, in fact, REALITY. They are the reality of you at your more ETHERIC level of reality, watching your self do something that you are actually doing.
The  CRYSTAL GRID APIN SYSTEM is now being activated. That Grid System is the  free global energy, climate stabilization, healing, and inter stellar subspace communications  and broadcasting by aligning through the Light Codes of the Cosmic Council into the Crystal Liquid Light connecting to the Mind of God, Eternal Source Field. We can connect our consciousness into this GWL Crystal Grids running through Earth into Inner Earth and out into stargate 12 Aramatena. We always need to connect our consciousness into both fields of energy - the Inner and the Outer and use our body temples as the lightning rod that connects the flow of crystal liquid light, D12 Consciousness.
The Earth's Christ Grid System is the Mathematical Programming in the Earth that provides our Manifestation Programming to begin working correctly.
The apin technology is  an environmentally valid application of the natural spiritual and scientific laws of creation physics. Before these technologies fell into the hands of fallen angeilic races, they were used openly by various guardian races in many universal systems to facilitate and enhance the experience of evolution and ascenison for all. The apin systems were used for free global energy, climate stabilization, and healing and inter stellar subspace communications  and broadcasting.
They are massive global grid systems made of strategically placed crystalline microchips that interface directly with the natural multidimensional electomagnetic energy conduits of star gates axiatonal and ley line systems organic to earth's templar.
The GWL runs on a D12 Twelve code pulse and links Earth's Planetary Shields to their Divine Blue Print D12 Pre matter Template at Lyra Aramatena.THE GREAT WHITE LION IS being reactivated CORRECTLY by our Security Team from Sirius B. They plan to have it running into the original connection with stargate 12 Aramatena and into the Earth stargate 12. This is happening now but will not be complete until the two sets of angular rotation spin of Tara and Earth completely separate. We can attach our consciousness into the Grid now and activate the gifts that it naturally brings to us.
The Great White Lion is a Mathematical system that is created of something similar to our microchips made of a crystalline silicon substance planted in the grids of the Earth. The Golbal GWL looks exactly like the Sphinx in Egypt, except it covers the entire world. The GWL runs on a D 12 Twelve code pulse and links Earth's Planetary Shields to their Divine Blue Print D 12 Pre matter Template at Lyra Aramatena. The GWL has also been called the Lion's Gate because it opens the passage to all 12 stargates. This possibility wasn't a possibility until after Earth was shifted in time to a place where there was an Aramatena 12th stargate. The Annunaki had destroyed our Aramatena in the Electric Wars 250 billion years ago. Our Founders and Cosmic Councils have been preparing our way back home for many millions of years.
First,, we will be merging face to face with our starry family from Sirius B, who are the great Maharaji Security Team for our planet, and the Starry Families who have been most active in securing our rebirth. The Security Team from Sirius B will ground us into the GREAT WHITE LION that will connect the stargate 12 Aramatena with the Inner Earth Stargate 12.
The Christic Grid within the crust of Earth is ready to begin the great transformation process as Earth aligns with our Parallel Spiritual Universe. Once we are in alignment with our Spiritual Twin Self, we are able to pull as much of this spiritual self in to our physical bodies as we are ready for. Our karma must be completely gone, we must be crystal clear to allow our spiritual self to enter in. The Adashi Temples in Sirius B have been pulling our future self bodies up into the cleansing liquid light arenas for many years now preparing us for this time.
It is however, each individual's own decision to remove every speck of karma by raising their frequencies into the light of Sun Alcyone and into Source to Transmute all lower frequencies into the highest frequency of light and then allow that old energy to melt away into a new perfect form of energy.
When our bodies are clear of all karma, our spiritual body will enter in completely. This is our prime objective. Once this is accomplished, we will be ready to begin manifesting a brand new reality. First, we must de-manifest the old karma. Then, we can begin manifesting our new reality.
We must do both NOW. Once the alignment happens and our manifestations do begin to happen, we must be already manifesting the divine realities of our perfect selfhood, our infinite manifestation, our divine life, truth, love, intelligence, mind, soul and spirit. We must be manifesting our desired realities in the past, present and future. If we continue to bring the old ideas from the past into our consciousness, it will be those ideas that continue to manifest.

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