Thursday, December 19, 2013



Why is the mastery of sound frequencies so important? Sound or frequency of sound is the glue that holds the matter together. When we create the holograms of our illusionary reality around us we are doing it through sound. Unfortunately, most of us have been using a low frequency, distorted sound frequency to create our reality with.

If we are creating our reality (reality is only the hologram or illusion that each person is creating through their reasoning mind), through scrambled, distorted sound patterns that carry patterns of fear, jealousy, confusion, stupidity, etc. those frequency patterns are creating horror movies in our world around us.

It is time to learn to make God's Movie. That means using the Divine Blue Print that is carried on the Frequency of Source Consciousness.

Those perfect Sound patterns are supposed to be in our DNA, which is our cellular memory. Those frequency specific Sound Patterns are supposed to remember who we really are. They are supposed to remember that we are Eternal Life forms who have an absolute perfect reality field that evolves continuously into the wholeness of our 12 DNA Divine Blue Print.

That frequency of remembering was left on Earth by our Great, Great, Grandparents - the Oraphim Race. Once specialized section of that raceline was the Braharama Oraphim. That section had another specialized section that specialized in the Frequencies that would create a Biosphere to hold our Original Consciousness within for eternity. They were the Oraphim Braharama Cetacean Family. They are the Cosmic Family who created the IDEA of the Dolphin and Whale who would contain a frequency so full of unconditional love, that we would never forget who we really are.


The key to projecting this Divine Movie is to live in the frequency specific key where the movie is being developed on the film of the Mid Brain and then project out that movie through the third eye. This is activated through the alignment of the frequencies of consciousness of the Gold and Silver Rays that stream through the stem cell at the medulla oblongata and through the mid brain, the pineal and out the frontal lobe, where the new picture is programmed into the movie screen of reality through the Sound Waves that hold that movie within them.

This is the stream of consciousness within which everyone lives in the Normal Universe. The Mid Brain is the Mind of God. It is the place where Frequencies create reality. It is the place where we will learn to create God's Movie-which is the movie of our individual desired reality.

When we fell out of our normal universe, 550 million years ago, we were living in the frequencies of our Oraphim Race Line. We were seventh level man who had eternal life, instant manifestation, families of divine love who acted much like the dolphins that were left on Earth for us to remember them by.

It has taken a very long time to get our minds line up with our original normal universe that contains the perfect frequency atunement of all 12 frequencies of our complete family.

The Oraphims lived on Gaia, who is the oversoul matrix of Tara. Since the Oraphim Race Line was destroyed by Fallen Angelics, the Taran Race line had a problem. The Tarans would always be related to the Oraphims who were captured and taken into the Fallen Matrix. That Fallen Matrix became what we think of as Hell. We became related to Hell through our genetic connection to the most benevolent, peace loving race line that had ever existed in our Universe. Our Creation Races and Friends of the family have all been working for millions of years to repair this genetic mutation.

We have been sustained in our patience of our rebirth through the frequencies that were stored on Earth through the Dolphin Family. This is who the Dolphins really are and why we love them so much. Someone needs to start include this information in the Save the Dolphin campaigns. If those groups in Japan who capture families of dolphins and slaughter the mothers, knew that they were actually killing their own families, they just might start feeling a little guilty. Japan is a very family centered culture. And this is an absolutely true story of our genetic relationship with the dolphin and whale. This would make the Japanese cannibals in a sense. That might wake them up.

Back to the story.
Tara exploded into 12 pieces. Those pieces are what we now call planets. Those pieces blew out of Andromeda into the Milky Way Galaxy. Tara fell into a foreign system--the Milky Way Galaxy. Earth, and all of the planets have always been tilted in a way through reverse metatronic spin rates, into a misalignment with their spiritual template in Aquarius.

However, that template was re-created around Earth's biosphere by the Aquafarians, who are the frequency carriers of that divine frequency made by our Oraphim Dolphin Family. We are being held in this divine biosphere now. They created 48 plasma crystal ships around the Earth to hold her in balance during the Ascension Alignment in December. That is why we didn't feel anything. We were being held in Divine Harmony all through the transition.

NOW, all 12 of Tara's pieces have realigned into a new frequency containing the sound, which is the glue that glues reality fields back together.

The realignment was one through sound. The atunement of all 12 frequency signatures at each of the six levels of dimensional reality in the Music of the Spheres, was completed through the Cosmic Trinity Frequency. This means the alignment was made through the 12 on the planet, solar, galactic, universal and cosmic levels. And it was done on five parallel systems. So, Andromeda and Aquarius aligned into atunement with Earth and Urtha. We became One for the first time in 550 million years. And yes, we did blip through the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy out into a brand new reality field.

The reason that the transition in December was so smooth is because it wasn't just the Earth that was moving. It was the Earth along with her solar system, within the entire Universe. And it wasn't just one Universe, it was 12 Universes realigning at one time.


Our guardians promised us long ago, that when we came to the point in our evolution where we could understand who we are, where we came from, and that this world of illusions is not the world that we came from we would return to the Promise of the Perfect Kingdom that existed as our normal reality, 550 million years before this world began.

When the guardians made that Promise, it meant removing the frequency fence that created a scrambler of electromagnetic frequencies that disconnected the 12 DNA sub harmonic frequencies from the base DNA frequencies. Each of these base tone DNA strands must have the complete 12 DNA template of sound frequency signatures woven back into them. That dormant 12 DNA will be turned back on when we use the magical sound genetics--the glue of our reality field. We must use the 12th frequency, which is the 12th dimensional Christ frequency of Pre Sound and Light.
It is called Christic because the real word is Ka Ha Ra Sa Ta Ha La Kee Ra Shay Ha Sha.

Those twelve tones are the real scale of the music of the spheres. Each one of them is a frequency signature of itself, just like a note. When they all resonate together they create a new frequency signature of a divine reality of at one ment. (Those are the frequencies on the Ascension Kit).That is what our bodies are doing. Our body templates - at the etheric level--the pre sound level-- are being realigned into a new frequency of atunement with our Oraphim Dolphin Family. So, when we sing with the dolphins, we must sing in this frequency. We were given this frequency from our Oraphim Family to place in our music. It can be heard in Angel Dust, Rod and the Staff and Ultra Violet Blue. We are creating new MP3's called Cosmic Trinity, and Cosmic Dolphin Magic which will also have it. You can hear Angel Dust playing now on our Main Page.

Now is our promised time, now we know who we really are, where we really came from and how to get back home. It is time to remember that we were twelve, but we are really one. It is time to forgive all of the fallen angelics because they were once our family. We were all made from the same divine blue print through the Idea created from the Breath of Source. That idea was Pre Sound in it's original form. We can return to that Frequency of who we really are.

We are the Divine Ones who originally created the Perfect Kingdom of Heaven in Gaia. We are the Tarans. We are the Oraphims. Our Soul Matrix is that reality. Those frequency signatures are in our Souls. Our souls are made of frequencies. That orchestra of frequencies is in our stem cell and can be activated through the Frequencies that aligned through the merkaba as it spins correctly to realign, re-attune and reassemble through the use of the 12 DNA sub harmonics.


It is time to retune our sound genetics to the 12 harmonics of the Christ Divine Blue Print. We are not talking about alignment of the left and right brain, or good and bad or any of those man made illusions. We are talking about aligning a frequency of atunement - a sound genetic frequency that glues our 12 sub harmonics into our base DNA one at a time, until an entire perfect reality is created.

It must be done through sound frequency. It must be done through an understanding of where the original frequency of our atunement were stored and how to used the merkaba mechanics that spin us beyond the speed of light and connect to those higher frequencies.

We ride our merkabas into the core of Earth, which is interdimensional 13.5 dimensional frequency. That is the frequency key to Cosmic Consciousness and our Divine Template of the Sphere of Amenti is stored in the Heart of Earth, which is the etheric level of the Iron Core Magnetic Field of Earth. That is the frequency  we carry within the merkaba and ride up to one foot below the Earth's crust. This is where the 12th dimensional frequency is stored in the Earth's grids. We spin the 12th and 13.5 frequencies together to form a new sphere of frequencies in the music of the spheres technology. We weave those frequencies into the body template to activate the 12 DNA sub harmonics. That is only the first step of activation. The complete technology is many pages long. The complete steps are in the Ascension Meditation.

We couldn't do these things very effectively before without a lot of really focused atunement work. It will get easier and easier every day now, because the Earth has been realigned into her 12 sub harmonics. That means the 12 DNA sub harmonics can be more easily breathed into our DNA from the sound genetics stored within the heart of Earth.

Within that etheric core of Earth a new reality awaits us that we were never able to perceive of before . The arc of the Covenant is realigning us into the at onement with Sun Alcyone, which is in reality our sun that is within the sun that we perceive and is within the heart of Earth. We are in reality one with what we call Mother Earth, who is Gaia. Within is Gaia - the 7,8, and 9 dimensions of reality is the 4,5,6 dimensions and within that is the incarnate 1,2,3 of this Earth.

We are no longer in the harmonic universe one of the 1,2,3 reality. We are no within the second harmonic universe of 4,5,6. We are now being held within the dimensional harmonics of dimension 4. Anyone who is not attuned with that reality field will be living in an old dream. That is the reality field that must gradually break away from those who are tuning into the fifth dimension of harmonic universe two. The entire Earth will rise into dimension accretion level 4.5. That will cause Earth to morph into the frequencies of Tara through Inner Earth. Those who are still playing war games in dimension 4, while their frequencies are hanging out in dimension 3, will disappear from view by 2017. They have already disappeared from my perception because I create my own desired reality within my frequency specific mid brain. I don't put the televisions illusions on my movie screen.
(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

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