Sunday, December 22, 2013



I activate the third eye by focusing on the white light area of the candle until it becomes blue and then ultra violet blue.
I can close my eyes in order to allow the diamond shape containing  ultra violet blue to appear in my forehead.
 I can connect to my hologram which is my Soul through this window. I can then send my soul hologram all the way to the field of Source through this diamond window of ultra violet blue.

When the frequency specific mid brain has made contact into the ultra violet blue, every thing around the candle flame will disappear. The room will be filled with the plasma of ante matter. This is the Source field appearing around you as you enter into the diamond window. You see your hologram appear in the diamond window, and you see the plasma filling the room.

The Source field of consciousness has come to you to create your new reality. This is the quantum field of invisible energy that contains infinite ideas and infinite amount of space and time to create within. There is also no space and time in this place. All creation is in the now.

The  crystal dust is the plasma, liquid gel is mercury and crystal liquid light is the waterfall of of the silver pastel with golden sparkles carrying the codes of creation. This waterfall streams down from source into Cosmos and streams all the way down through our Souls - our Crystal Hearts and then into the Crystal Heart of Earth - within the etheric realms of Earth Core are the Cosmic realms that connect into the zero point of Source. The waterfall stream of liquid light streams all the way down into the reservoir of Mother Earth's crystal heart and then errupts upward all the way back up to Source. When the Cosmic Stream of Crystal Light returns, it ignites the ultra violet flow of liquid gel. The liquid gel is the crystal gel of transformation. It is the energy that can transform our bodies into a completely new chemical structure, a completely new multidimensionality, a completely new divine blue print. All lower frequencies become transmutted into the higher frequencies. This doesn't mean that a part of us disappears, this means that all multidimensional selves exist at once through the frequency of the highest self.

Once the waterfall turns into the violet stream and streams through the soul and back down into the reservoir of the Cosmic Creation template, our bodies become transformed and the third eye becomes activated.

We create a tiny little mini me of the self and place it in the ultra violet diamond window. We see the diamond window surrounded by the crystal dust which is the plasma ante matter of Source. We see our tiny self standing within the window on the cloud. We see the tiny self dive into the waterfall to become saturated with the ultra violet frequencies of transformation.

Once the tiny self has dove into the waterfall and swims clear down into the Crystal Heart of Mother EArth where the healing waters of Kemlehotea and the reflective pond of the twin spiritual self reunite, the tiny self can erupt back up through the Cosmic Flows up into the plasma cloud in the Source Field.

Now, the third eye has become activated. The third eye can see through the violet window ithrough the eyes of Source. The Eyes of God are activated behind the head because the spirtual self has stepped into the physical self. The eyes of God from the mid brain see into the window that connects to the all seeing eyes of Source Consciousness. 

The Soul hologram is always observing the physical temple, which is no longer physical because the spiritual and physical have become united. The physical body can disconnect and go into the Soul hologram anytime a healing is needed until the unification occurs.

Once the reconnection into the Mind of God through diamond window into the Eyes of Source has occurred, the entity will have the power of instant manifestation of any reality that he or she places in the diamond window.

Create a slow time wave - very slow because it flows all of the way up and down from the point within where we touch the zero point of oneness or at one ment with all tht God is.
If we were to travel within Earth we would reach into  our Cosmic Template where that Cosmic sphere touches the part of Source outside of the Cosmic Sphere.
If we go way out beyond our physical realm, outside of th galactic and universal realm, outside of the galactic and universal into the Cosmic Sphere, we also touch the point where the breath of Source ignites into oneness with the Cosmic Sphere of Consciousness.
The Cosmic Time Wave is very slow because it reaches all of the way from our planetary sphere to the cosmic sphere. So, it creates a very slow, calmer peaceful wave of harmonic frequency than the fast planetary wave.

The last planetary wave creates a denser vibration. You could compare the density of a word and the density of a breath. A breath has no density. It is pure frequency. The frequency of the breath can carry the entire consciousness of Source into the Cosmic Consciousness to create a brand new reality. That is how powerful the breath is, when the consciousness is completely in focus and alignment with Source. 
We carry this same consciousness of all that is with Source Consciousness as it becomes realized in Cosmic Consciousness within our Individual Souls. Our souls can become realized and activated into the full mind of God through the combination of the understanding of this reality, the belif and knowing of this reality and the doing of this realtiy.

We have been indoctrinated for millions of years to believe that we are separate from God, that we are less than God, that we must have a mediator to talk to God. We were made to believe that only Jesus was the Son of God and only Jesus could activate the God Mind and Principle within himself. When in fact, Jesus mission and teaching on Earth was to teach man that the God of his Being was within him and that he could do Greater Works than these. Jesus said he could do the things he did because he would go to His Father. He was trying to teach us to go to the Father - to go to Source Consciousness through the window of a third eye as we activate our Souls within which contain all that is known to Source to be known to  us.

We-the angelic humans, had those codes within our Mid Brain and within our Souls that connect us directly to the mind of God  deactivated by Invader Races over and over again during a 500 million year time period. Now, we are having the opportunity to turn those codes and frequencies back on within our Divine Template.
We can once again activate our Windows of our Frequency Specific Mid Brain into the Infinite All knowing of Source and to Manifest that knowingness into this present reality system.

This plane of reality will be transposed from density one into density three in 2012. This means that we will have a much closer connection into our Multidimensional Domains of Consciosusness than we have Now.
However, there have been thousands who have activated their mind of God by raising their frequencies of Consciousness higher than the dimensional consciousness that was created to lock us outside of our Divine Blue Print. We cannot ever obtain the window connection into the mind of God while we are in the third dimension, or even the eighth dimension. We must raise our frequencies into the 12D consciousness before the God principle of creation manifestation, healing eternal life can become a part of our lives.

We have had great exposure to this reality through a few very unpopular religions that have taught that we can become all that Jesus Christ was. We also had exposure to teachings of metaphysical teachings that helped to bring understanding of consciousness fields and how to expand them into the Consciousness of God.

We have had a little exposure to light and sound technologies and aligning into a rod and staff that will correct our star alignment and our off tilt rod and staff.

Now, is the first time we have been given a complete understanding of what all of these other little bits and pieces of the new reality really mean.

We now have the teachings of our Cosmic Light Councils, our Creation Families, our Founders Races of the Angelic human on Earth. This is the first time in over 25,000 years that we have had the opportunity to become re born out of our amnesia state and put back into our 12D Divine Blue Print Template.
We are now learning how to expand out of this fallen galaxy of the Milky Way and back into our Universal Consciousness of the omniverses of this cosmos and the 12 cosmic templates of our original 12 Angelic Families of Consciousness.

1. Surround yourself with your merkaba body  and place a crystal sphere around your merkaba body.
2. Now, see yourself as a tiny little self standing inside of your crystal heart
3. Create a sphere of crystal plasma that sits right below the heart area.
4. See the plasma sphere under your heart 
See or imagine the sphere with you.
This is your soul This is you
You have always been your Soul
You were this plasma sphere in the Mind of Source
You were this plasma sphere in Cosmic Realms universal Realms, You were this Soul of All knowingness for billions of years
This is the real you
The more you become familiar with your soul the more you activate your soul and through the mind of god the more you will know your multidimesnional self.
See your tiny self within your soul
See your soul become a sphere under your heart area.
Expand this sphere to become the same shape as your body
Expand each spark of source from deep within your soul to fill every nano particle of your body.
Feel your Soul beaming through your body
Now bring your soul back to its original sphere shape and exhale it out in front of you. Hold your soul
in your hands
Feel the connection of your soul from the within to the without of you
Now, see your soul float up to the ceiling above you to continue to see yourself with your soul
Now create a diamond window from your mid brain. Learn to do this by focusing on the candle flame
Inhale your soul into the diamond window. See your tiny self inside of your soul. Next, exhale the soul sphere around the diamond window, See the soul become the crystal dust, or gaseous plasma around the ultra violet blue window
that contains the crystal light  non color of Source ignited by the Cosmic Consciousness ultra violet blue light - the crystal gel
Now connect your violet diamond window out beyond the cosmic sphere into the Source field of consciousness. See the entire source field of all that is and all that will be - eternal creative energy. See this infinite window of opportunity through your diamond window.
Stay up there in your soul cloud around your diamond window that your tiny self is standing within.
See yourself sitting comfortably on your cloud in the Source field . This is your dream cloud.YOu can connect your diamond window of your frequency specific mid brain to the frequency of Source to create a continuous dream window of all that is in Source conscious ness to stream into your consciousness.
The activity of connecting and manifesting begins in the dream stream
When you lie down to go to sleep you activate this stream from your diamond window into your tiny self on the cloud in source.
When you reach the moment when you are just a bout to fall asleep there is a point when you are awake but you are asleep at the same time. It is the point o nodding off. At that moment is the time when your dream stream is connected to your manifestation state.
The rainbow bridge of your multidimensionality streams through your diamond window and through your soul to reconnect you to all of your multi dimesnional frequencies. This is the moment that you can visualize any reality that you want to manifest. Inhale that vision that you see in your diamond window and exhale it into this dimension by using your breath that connects this physical you to the tiny you in the Source Cloud.
That reality that you experience as at one ment with the self that is you in your soul projected through your diamond window into the mind of god creates the instantaneous manifestation sate where you have the exact same privledge of having as Jesus Chrsit had. That was what Jesus came to teach us. We have the mind of God. We have anything our hearts desire and it can manifest from the frequency of Source into the multidimensionality of all of the frequencies that you behold. You must see the idea that you want to manifest in this realm and translate it from the Frequency of Source down to the frequency of visual light through the infra red transmission of antematter of Source.

I am activating my soul by breathing into the sphere of crystal plasma energy
I see it grow into a sphere of plasma crystal dust under my heart area
I watch the sphere rise above me I connect my eyes into the eyes  of my soul in the sphere of crystal
dust above me.
I inhale the sphere into my diamond window of my third eye.
I see the crystal dust around the diamond window and I see my tiny self inside the plasma inside the window
I breathe in order to push my diamond window out to the Source field 
I see myself sitting on a cloud in Source Consciousness
Every time you breathe  you need to feel your soul expanding under your heart and through your body and out around your body
Become aware of being at one with your soul
You can make it any color you want 
You can fill it full of sparks of Soruce
 Become more ane more familiar with the energy of your soul self.
Feel the crystal dust of the plasma self within every atom and cell and nano particle of your body.


When the frequency is received through the mid brain, it is the 3d brain that must process this idea through the recess of background knowledge that it has. If it doesn’t have the back ground knowledge of how everything was created from the breath of source, igniting a spark to form an idea into the atmosphere, the sky, the stardust to form the realities we live within from the Omni particle of all creation, the thinking brain cannot process the information that it receives from the mid brains frequencies.
If the yellow brain can make the pictures while we create a dynamic inner force field and an outer force field. That is consciousness and energy create reality. To move energy up and to activate the frequency bands, first we must understand the frequency bands. The music of the spheres. The frequency waves of the hertizian level of this earth, the infra red of the parallel earth, the visible and invisible light spectrums, the ultra violet blue body that we have been many times before, the x-ray band that allows all light to stream into the sound bands and create the soup of heaven, the gamma waves that connect our wave bands, to our highest light of Alcyone and all crystal suns light.

We cannot connect our thinking mind picture frame into the ultra violet blue frequencies that bring us immortal 6D bodies until we can fully visualize and understand this realm of Aquafarian consciousness and the dolphinoid who brought the seed of our 6th dimensional bodies to this earth millions of years ago.

We must understand how our soul has returned to this 6th dimensional realm of the blue body thousands of times and how it has remained there for many lifetimes in between. We must have the background knowledge before our yellow brain-personality will allow these frequencies to be help permanently in the neuronet and then allow the body to turn into 6th dimensional blue body which contains the mind of god, which contains immortality, which continues co-creating.

These are just all words that are immediately misunderstood and then dissolved by the yellow brain and the replaced by former old school knowledge that was formerly placed in the yellow brain-upper cerebellum, until the yellow brain has spent enough time experiencing Aquafaria, the life style of the immortals who live in the Blue realm and the actually frequencies of this glorious heavenly realm.

Crystalai and aDolphino spend all of their days and nights in this magnificent blue body realm. we breathe it into our atmosphere. We live in Aquafaria in our Lucid Dreams. We allow our Aquafaria families to swim through the neuronets of our chromosomes in order to crate our 12 DNA that links us to this world permanently.
At Cosmic Dolphin Magic we  provide the tools the frequency signatures, the wave bands, the music of the spheres, the codes of manifestation, the visual and frequency journeys into Aquafaria, the tools for lucid dreaming. We provide everything needed to remove all resistance from the yellow brain and to create a brand new back ground knowledge for the yellow brain to process information from when it receives the frequency signatures of the ultra violet blue light from our glorious 6th dimensional realm of immortality.
We were given this extremely valuable message from mother marry and Cinderella our cosmic mothers of co-creation.
We asked them when we can move to Aquafaria continuously.
They answered this way. When we are consciously in Aquafaria more than we are in our third dimensional reality. WE will be in the 6th.
They added this important fact. They said we will not move to Aquafaria, we will move Aquafaria to Earth. The Healing of Temples of Aquafaria will move to Earth in2011.

This is exactly what we are doing every minute of every day. We are spending more and more time in our Aquafaria home absorbing the frequencies of this sixth dimension realm and learning everything there is to know about it. This is the realm where there are millions of elementals show help redesign our bodies into the Omni particles of our original creation from the breath of god. These breaths of Source frequencies acre breasted in to our etheric chromosomes  to realign our DNA at the Omni level into a New Form of consciousness.

 We take the frequency from the sphere and load them into the physical. We load higher and higher frequencies into the atomic structure. The Omni has frequency fields, they are textured realities. They are frequency signatures of entities consciousness, dimensional levels, sixth dimensional blue body consciousness field. They are particles realities they all have a frequency signature and code. When we put the picture in our brain. We create a picture that represents the code.

The mid brain opens up the picture because the picture has been translated into frequency. So, I can see Aquafaria because I first make it a reality strong enough in my thinking brain. That the thinking brain would not resist it and erase it. Second, I become so familiar with the frequency of the ultra violet blue Aquafarian Reality that knew it as on frequency signature as well as all of the many individual frequency signatures that exist within this reality. I become familiar with the frequency signature of all of the family of consciousness of my Aquafarian family, and the atmosphere and frequencies of the crystals, the water, the temples the mansions, etc. I become familiar with their frequencies of trans formation that allowed them to change form from dolphins to mermaids, to fairies to stardust and to create rainbows from light and sound. I become so familiar with that tone of home hat it became my own breath of consciousness. I breathe these frequency signatures into the CD's in the Ascension Kit, Cosmic Kits, Family Kit and Super Frequency Kit. The Cosmic Kit contains songs sung by my Aquafarian Family that describe their Reality in their own words. The song, All is Love from Magic Dolphin describes the way of thinking of this reality the best. The Super Frequencies in Ultra Violet Sun are extremely important to feeling and understanding the Blue Body that exists within the realms of the Sun Alcyone, Aquarius and Aquafaria. 

Each set of frequency signatures is a separate aspect of the entire Cosmic Realm of Angelic Consciousness being woven into my breath from my frequency bands after my wave bands have absorbed the frequencies of Aquafaria.
Each frequency begins its journey from my connection into the zero point of Source Consciousness. Where the Omni particles of all creations is breathed into the Spark of Source and ignited into a Flame to create a rainbow flame of energy to create anew reality from
That spark of Source is ignited from within the crystal heart of each cell in the body . The zero point of each cell in the body contains that spark of Source. That Omni particle that created each soul on earth. That same spark of source created the Omni particles or stardust, rainbow, galaxies and universes.

When that spark of Source is breathed into the bands of light and energy to create the music of the spheres, that breath of Source raises the frequencies of the entire mass of the body. The body becomes lighter and lighter until it levitates, walks through walls and disappears.
That doesn’t mean that you are no longer here. That means that you have allowed your blue body frequency to transform the 3d brain. The personality has becomes a believer because it understands it feels, it knows the reality of this frequency of Source, the frequency of Cosmic Consciousness, the Frequency of the Aquafarian Blue Body.
The Music of The Spheres can be heard within the body as a humming singing sound of light whistling through every cell in the body. It is felt as a light feeling of invisibility and weightlessness.
The mind must be re-trained to see, know and feel this new reality. The 3d brain hates NEW REALITIES. The 3d Brain must be trained to understand the reality of Cosmic Consciousness, angelic breaths of reality. The 3d brain must first believe that there is a Blue Body an Aquafarian Reality that swims within our etheric DNA.

These are the realities that we are helping those who desire to experience those realities experience and create into their own reality of a sixth dimensional blue body living and moving and breathing on Earth.

This reality is frequency specific. This reality of the sixth dimension Aquafarian realm of consciousness lives deep within the heart of Mother Earth and deep within the chromosomes of our DNA. These are the frequencies that already exist inside of us as the Omni particle-the star see-the etheric frequency of our sixth dimensional substance.

This spiritual substance is flowing through our DNA as an ultra violet blue liquid light that allows all light from the gamma waves of Sun Alcyone and all Suns of Co-creation flow through our veins. This is the wave band that allows our immortality.
When we become the Lords of our own Yellow Brain personality who inform it of the Blue Reality that exists within us, we have regained the harmonic convergence into the Mind of God. We connect into the Multi Dimensional Mind of God to find we are free to live in all realities simultaneously.

Our bodies are made of bands of light energy. These light bands or spheres of ligth and sound, are anchored in every cell, every chromosome, every muscle, every blood particle. These bands are at every level.
These multidimensional spheres are inside of the body and outside of the body. The 12th dimension light band is 12 inches above the head and 12 inches below the feet. This Christ Consciousness band or grid connects us into the Christ Consciousness of Mother Earth. This Christ Grid is also out in our atmosphere. When we connect our consciousness into this Christ Grid that is a band love light and wave frequency we can wrap our bodies in this 12th dimensional zone of protection and immortality.

We can also create a mini-me of the same reality by placing a mini me of your self inside of your Soul. The soul is a sphere of crystal light nervy that sets right next to and behind the physical heart area. We call this the crystal heart area to remove confusion from what many think of as the soul. The soul is a sphere that weighs 13 ounces and sits inside of the body. The soul has made many journeys to the 6th dimensional blue realm where it goes through a light review of all light experiences it has in the body each journey before leaving the body at death.

The Soul together with the Mid Brain records all experiences as frequencies. All experiences are either higher frequencies or they are the physical contractions from the high frequencies.
It is the Souls greatest desire is to remove all of these contractions from its light review. A contraction is like a resistence, a feeling like an intimidation or jealousy or fear or hatred, some type of reaction that isn't filled with the LIGHT OF THE HIGHEST FREQEUNCY.
We remove these contractions by staying in the full spectrum of light and sound until we melt them away.

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