Saturday, January 25, 2014

Attracting Your Twin-Flame Soul Mate

Over the past few years, I have conducted several Akashic soul readings in which my clients have asked, “How can I attract my twin-flame soul mate?”
The answers from their Akashic Records, although usually different in wording and style, all share some consistent advice, the top two being: raise your vibration and love yourself without conditions first and foremost.
Many people feel they should save ALL of their love for their twin-flame soul mate, but please allow me to emphatically express why this should NEVER be the case.
First of all, twin-flame relationships are the MOST difficult you will ever encounter unless you are both highly spiritually evolved and fully vibrating with 5D Christ Consciousness (which, most likely, you are not).
Secondly, twin flames will mirror to each other all faults, flaws, and fears that need to be addressed and eradicated before either of you can be spiritually evolved enough to fully vibrate at a 5D frequency.
This is where ego usually comes in and destroys everything, which leads to the third reason you should love yourself first and foremost: the runner dynamic.
Each and every twin-flame relationship is comprised of two souls that have either split from one OR who are twin whole souls; opinions and theories about this differ from one self-proclaimed “expert” to another.
Some say that one of the “twins” is more spiritually mature by nature and can “hold the light” or “flame,” if you will, while the runner twin continually abandons the relationship out of fear, emotional pain and immaturity.
However, it is also quite possible that BOTH twins are not spiritually or emotionally mature to handle the high loving energy of a twin-flame soul reunion.
And this is why it is SO important to work on YOURSELF first.
You must raise your own vibration and to be able to love yourself first and foremost without any conditions, and, most importantly, without any fears of being completely alone for the rest of your life.
In other words, if you cannot find joy in your own company, who else is going to? And, if you cannot treat yourself kindly, who will? We do train others how to treat us by the way we regard ourselves.
Now, this is not to say you must build yourself up into an arrogant egomaniac. On the contrary.
This is not about the ego at all. This is about the SOUL, which is located within the heart.
The ego, if you do not already know, is all in the mind. The ego is that nasty “handicap” your soul must battle as it tries to follow its Divine will or spiritual path.
Ego will constantly argue for “free will” and “independence.” It will also keep you in fear. Of everything. And everyone. Even your beloved twin-flame soul mate.
So, yes, you will have a fight on your hands in the beginning. Taming the ego. Shutting it up. Shutting it down. It IS possible. It takes a great deal of discipline, however.
And, not only do you have to ignore the persistence of your ego, you must also get in touch with your SOUL, and you must learn to not only LIKE yourself, but to actually LOVE yourself.
You must replace every criticism from your ego with a sincere, loving compliment. And you have to convince yourself that you have NOTHING to lose with this transformation.
Once you finally silence your ego, you might even miss it… for a second. Until you realize that silence is not only enjoyable, but it is truly, sweetly DIVINE.
You may even begin to hear the loving words and compliments of your own Akash, a collective of masters, teachers and loved ones, and, yes, angels and spirit guides.
And you may even find it possible to actually… RELAX. You might find that every knotted bit of tension, no matter how great or small, magically melts away.
This is the beginning of raising your vibration. Immerse yourself into this new, peaceful ecstasy. Trust it, for it is the true you, and the REAL way your life is meant to feel. Peaceful. Serene. Indulgent, perhaps? Immerse yourself into that luxurious indulgence.
This is a very simple way to offer yourself the true, unconditional, pure love that you so rightly deserve.
This is where you can begin to forgive yourself and let go of all those things you said or did on an egoic level that may have cost you friendships or created an icy wedge between you and your loved ones, be they life partners, siblings, parents, grandparents, or other blood relatives.
Know that anything and everything can be repaired once you let go and forgive… not only them, but yourself as well.
This is where self-love begins, by recognizing that all negative behavior resulted out of a fear-based energy that you are now rising up out of, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
And, because you do TRULY love yourself, you are raising your own vibration into that of higher consciousness, light and unconditional love.
There is an old saying that goes: in order to love others, you must first love yourself. I believe the same is true with forgiveness. In order to forgive others, you must first forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for snapping… for reacting… for judging.
Forgive yourself for being afraid. Because that is where all conflict breeds… out of the lower, fear-based energy we on Earth have been living in for so long.
So now it is easy to recognize that others were also afraid, and that is why they behaved the way they did. How can we not forgive people for being afraid?
Fear is something we have all felt, so we can all relate on the same level.
Once forgiveness is accomplished, it is time to accelerate into a higher, more loving vibration. Love yourself. Entertain yourself.
Treat yourself! Enjoy your own company. Raise your vibrations so high that you want to spend the rest of your life with yourself!
And, once you have accomplished that, be so dedicated to yourself and raise your standards so that people will strive to meet them, rather than expect you to lower them.
It is true that all kinds of people are attracted to those with higher vibrations. Especially your twin flame.
Just remember that until your twin is vibrating at the same high 5D frequency as you, the two of you most likely won’t be able to harmoniously reunite.
In fact, you may reunite a few times and fail, but, as long as you love yourself for who you are just AS you are, it won’t matter, for you already have all you need.
Your unconditional love for yourself is ALL that you need.
Once you achieve this wisdom, you have already accomplished self mastery… which will only make it easier for you to continue on your own illuminated spiritual path of Divine will, full of detached unconditional love for your Divine compliment.
Make no mistake that while the two of you are separated, your twin will also be learning the same lessons about ego and the importance of self love.
It is best, however, to focus on yourself and your own path. Successful separate journeys will eventually guide you back onto the same path as long as both remain heart centered and dedicated to loving the self as much as or even more than the twin counterpart.
© Jen Freer 2014| | My Akashic Journey Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website,

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