Friday, August 21, 2015


In terms of conscious awareness and spiritual evolution, ascension in its basic spiritual sense can be thought of as the highest state of humanity.
It is the expansion of the minds perception and the clear understanding of being one with the creator. A oneness with the universe.
Anyone seeking ascension has the basic understanding that ascending is taking something that is considered a lower vibration and raising it up to become a higher vibration.
This is why many spiritual traditions aim to achieve the dissolution of the human ego being (the lower self) in order to realize the true nature of their being, the Higher Self.
Ascension in the true sense of the word does not literally translate to one’s physical body being raised up or lifted off the ground flying through the air, to arrive in heaven.

A more accurate depiction would be the idea of bringing heaven to earth by raising your lower vibrational being (your ego) and transcending your non physical being to a higher vibrational state.
In the metaphysical sense, ascension is about shifting your conscious awareness and entering alternate realities and planes of existence through the intention of thought.
It is sort of like changing the station on a radio. When you dial or tune into a certain frequency, you are then in vibrational alignment with that in which you exist in.
How is this possible?
Our material world at its fundamental level, is composed of molecules which are made of atoms, which come from subatomic particles being protons and electrons. These protons and electrons have been proven to be nothing but 99.99% space.  
Praying hands
When you touch your hands together, it is really just empty space touching more empty space, with the slightest amount of energetic spin. The constituents of all matter have absolutely no physical structure.

So by the smallest scale the idea of physical reality, is in fact non-existent. Giving weight to the understanding that we are in fact simply consciousness and the entire universe is a multitude of frequency vibration.
Our thoughts create our own reality as we seamlessly walk through it, manifesting our every outcome and circumstance. Each thought we have holds its own vibration as the universe is not made of things, but networks of vibrational energy.
This realization effectively transpires as the entering into a self-aware universe and through this self-awareness, we gain the understanding that there are energetic beings that can exist on higher vibrational platforms of reality.
In these alternate planes of reality, you can and most certainly will, encounter these other life forms. Which can include angelic beings, alien like creations and other non physical entities that can guide you towards liberation of self.  Showing you the steps you need to take in order to achieve lasting enlightenment. A conquering of self, and a death of the ego.
Meridian Chakras and the Immortal Path
Many people have the idea that this kind of existence cannot occur in our current physical form. That this kind of connection, a bridging of the physical and non physical, man and the divine, is simply too far out of the spectrum of reality.

But if we think about the universe as multi-dimensional with layers upon layers of energy and frequency vibrations, then it isn’t so hard to see or believe that we are not alone. We are never alone and there are beings who reside with us, just beyond the viewable spectrum of our physical eyes.
When we raise our vibration we expand our awareness, effectively becoming the cosmic consciousness of man incarnated. Leading to the greater understanding that there are worlds upon worlds overlapping our own existence at all times.
It is time for us to bring heaven here on earth and achieve liberation of mankind. A life where our thoughts fluidly create our reality– becoming the true creators we were meant to be.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


My beautiful mother that gave life to me from her womb, the sheer tears of joy that overcame me when I saw her beautiful face for the first time , how Divine that she looked, what a true miracle that she was able to give birth to so many life, they all hold the connection to her. It pains me to see her now unhappy and the pain that she is in because of greed, ego and hate. This planet is not ours to destroy for it belongs to our children, it pains me to see that her creatures are disappearing because of ego, greed, fear and hate, there was once when we lived with her animals shared the same lands, shared the same knowledge that we are all one.   
It pains me to feel the pains of heart, to feel the beating of her heart quiver as humanity becomes more and more hateful, the sheer destruction of her heart, makes me pain for her and her lost children. To see so much of her being ripped apart from her, to hear and feel the screams from her lungs is the most painful thing to hear cuts into your soul like a knife. 
What humanity  seems not to understand is that what we do to her, we are doing to ourselves, when we pour our toxins into her body that toxins goes into our own, when we kill her animals we are killing our brothers and sisters, when we drop the bomb onto her body that bomb just destroyed ours, we say yes we need to eat healthy but we are already sick because Mother is sick and her animals our brothers and sisters are sick.
People say yes this and that can cure diseases, but that will never work until we cure the sickness of our Mother for she holds all that is sacred to cure all. We fight pointless wars hen we really should be doing is fighting for and with our Mother. That should be the only thing we should be fighting about, so many people are dying because the exploitation of their lands and peoples meanwhile we are fighting banks.  
And yet what we don't realize is that we are being distracted again from the reason why we are here, and this is leaving the planet to suffer more and to her people, where is the compassion, the unity that this awakening is supposed to bring, while so many being distracted with their heads in the clouds, this planet is dying right before their eyes, and those that are committed to this planet is dying every single day, because people still cannot see what is being destroyed. We cannot survive without this planet but I can assure you that she can survive without us, these storms that have been happening is only going to get worse, and we must come back to the circle if we are going to survive.
This beautiful divine blue planet is the most beautiful being that has ever been created and she has given everything for us including her life, I think we owe her the same sacrifice that she has mad and is making for us. The sounds of her heart is beating to the drum once again calling to her children to come home to her don’t you think we owe her that much?
What humanity still does not understand is that if we are not spiritually connected to Mother Earth in every way it is unlikely that we will not make it through her shifts and as we can see by the violent storms that she is now producing a lot of lives have been lost. And those that are not connected to her spiritually will go insane and there is no cure for them. These are the times that we are living in, and it should be embraced and not feared of these changes as she changes, she is changing us as well.
If we want real change we must take full responsibility for our actions of ourselves, for each other and for our mother. That should be the only thing, we should be fighting about, so many people are dying because the exploitation of their lands and peoples meanwhile we are fighting banks.  
And yet what we don't realize is that we are being distracted again from the reason why we are here, and this is leaving the planet to suffer more and to her people, where is the compassion, the unity that this awakening is supposed to bring, while so many being distracted with their heads in the clouds, this planet is dying right before their eyes, and those that are committed to this planet is dying every single day, because people still cannot see what is being destroyed. We cannot survive without this planet but I can assure you that she can survive without us, these storms that have been happening is only going to get worse, and we must come back to the circle if we are going to survive.
The beautiful divine blue planet is the most beautiful being that has ever been created and she has given everything for us including her life, I think we owe her the same sacrifice that she has mad and is making for us. The sounds of her heart is beating to the drum once again calling to her children to come home to her don’t you think we owe her that much?
What humanity still does not understand is that if we are not spiritually connected to Mother Earth in every way it is unlikely that we will not make it through her shifts and as we can see by the violent storms that she is now producing a lot of lives have been lost. And those that are not connected to her spiritually will go insane and there is no cure for them. These are the times that we are living in, and it should be embraced and not feared of these changes as she changes, she is changing us as well.
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